I was very happy to be invited by fellow 2023 MasterChef contestant, Adam Ball to help with his Christmas supper club at Starlings Restaurant, Bristol on Saturday 9 December 2023. It was my first time working in a restaurant kitchen and I loved it! We were joined by another 2023 MasterChef friend, the amazing Forest Kwok. It was a privilege to work alongside two such talented chefs. Thank you to restaurant owner, Ed Starling for hosting us. It was a fabulous experience and really wonderful to learn from Adam as we produced 30 covers to the delight of our guests.
The kitchen for a supper club such as this one is extremely busy. The evening went past in an absolute flash! There is, of course, a need to monitor the quality of food going out extremely carefully but, as we went through the service, I was also struck by the professional manner in which Adam repeatedly checked we all understood our tasks and were on track in the preparation of the food. It is important, no doubt, to be highly organised ahead of the event but multitasking and prudent management of those working in the kitchen during it are also important. The support Adam offered extended to Angus, who was responsible for washing up, and the event’s excellent front of house team, Lesley and Gabriella. This was all done by Adam with very clear instructions in a gentle, professional, enthusiastic manner. Congratulations to Adam for his superb kitchen leadership style!
Adam’s festive menu was:
POMME ANNA potato, tomato, aioli
WAFFLE chicken, maple syrup
CHRISTMAS ZEPPOLE béchamel, bacon, cranberry, sage stuffing
BEEF SHORTRIB celeriac, sprouts, red wine
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COD beurre blanc, potato, blood orange, crab
CHOCOLATE salted caramel, peanut butter
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SNOWBALL almond, clementine, meringue
Adam’s dishes were absolutely delicious. If you are in the Bristol area, I highly recommend Starlings and, if you are lucky to spot a future supper club from Adam, sincerely do not miss the opportunity!
Lots of love,
Thuy Hoang
MasterChef UK Quarter Finalist 2023
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Copyright © 2023 Thuy Hoang
Hi Thuy what a fabulous experience the food looks amazing,..I hope you have wonderful Christmas Hugs xx